Tally Ho is now owned and has been rebuilt by Leo Goolden.

In the past his blog has been rather more Sampson Boat Co than Tally Ho, but today the focus is quite strongly on the latter, but there are still a few things here that are not on Leo's website, so both remain useful, notably the technical data pages, music lists and other people's videos.

For the present at least, I'll keep this site following his blog.


  • Tally Ho, around 1940.

    Tally Ho, around 1940.

  • Tally Ho, designed arrangement

    Tally Ho, designed arrangement

  • Tally Ho, Malcolm Scott painting.

    Tally Ho, Malcolm Scott painting.

  • Tally Ho, Leo's shed at Sequim

    Tally Ho, Leo's shed at Sequim

In this episode I attempt to sail Tally Ho singlehanded. Hoisting the mainsail is the first big challenge - that thing is heavy! I navigate through the Gulf Islands, dodging ferries and buoys, and then get myself in a tangle when I have to drop all the sails.
Episode 1
Visiting Tally Ho

The Albert Strange 1910 Gaff Cutter "Tally Ho" is in danger of being destroyed if she is not moved this summer. I go to Oregon to see how rotten she really is, and try to decide whether to take the project on.

Episode 58
Ship Of Theseus and Project Recap

A few people have suggested that it might have been simpler, quicker and cheaper to build a new boat rather than restore this one ... and they'd be absolutely right ... it would be much easier and much cheaper.

But that's not the point. If this was about the easiest and cheapest way to own a boat, you could just go out to pretty much any marina in the world these days and get a bargain that you can sail away in, for just a few grand.

This is about rebuilding a historic vessel and saving it from destruction. It's about something that I think is worth doing. It's about making a good story and it's about, more than anything else, of the magic of sailing or a very old boat.

It will be a mix of a vessel that's over 100 years old and one I've built myself and for me those are two of the most romantic, wonderful ideas that you could have.


The Rebuild of Tally Ho

Start To Finish

Seven years of work summarised in 16 minutes 36 seconds.


  • County Farm - Wayward Jane
  • Who's Using Who? - The Mini Vandals
  • Dustbowl Blues - Wayward Jane
  • Hot Hop Rok - Steve Adams
  • Lyra’s Tune - Wayward Jane
Leo's and Tally Ho's next adventure has begun.

Episode 100
Rebuilding a wooden boat - 4 years in 29 mins!

Leo's 100th Episode almost exactly coincided with both completing the hull and the move to Port Townsend.  Here he gives an overview of the past for years, with explanation of a number of things past present and future.  Time-lapse footage of numerous parts of the whole and appearances by many of the crew over those four years, including, of course, the star macaw Pancho.

You'll find all the episodes on his YouTube channel and linked here in the YachtTallyHo website blog where we link to every one.

Episode 187
Launching Tally Ho

Seven Years says the man. I really hadn't realised it was quite so long.

This is a magnificent episode for so may reasons, but to me, I think the presence of so many who have been involved in so many different ways.  Good to see Raul and Poncho, so sad that Darlene has passed.

It was never feasible to have an open event, but I think Leo has done an excellent job (as always) of making us there in spirit, if not in the flash.

"...Tally Ho, working toward the Lizard under reefed main and spitfire jib. High though the seas rose, she seemed as steady as a church, and we watched her in silent admiration. Here indeed was a competitor..."

Alf Loomis, "La Goleta", Fastnet 1927